Heyyy traveler, Welcome to my page! :^) Here you can learn with me!

Who are you?!

I am a self-taught developer that mostly enjoys electronics, programming, and fixing template-related compiler errors in C++!

I can code very well in C++/C, I am familiar with the x86 assembly (via reverse-engineering), I know a little bit of modern HTML/CSS/JS... and that's about it! I particularly like the GoldSrc engine 🖤 aaand a little bit of other stuff such as cheating, exploiting and software vulnerabilities, and operating systems.

Why does this exist

I created this site in order to educate myself as well as the others, and also to practice my HTML/CSS/JS skills (of course). By writing down about some topic really helps me to understand it pretty well, while possibly educating other people as well.

I mainly post here just some basic articles about stuff I'm currently interested in, or stuff that seems notable. If you want to contact me for whatever reason, you can find contacts on the bottom of the page! Thanks for visiting. :^)

x86 Architecture
x86 Calling Conventions
Read about calling conventions used in the assembly language and also C & C++.
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x86 Registers
Read about the GPRs (General Purpose Registers), stack registers, the EFLAGS register and more, used on the x86 CPU architecture.
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x86 Advanced Registers
Read about some of the more unusual registers used on the x86 CPU architecture such as the SIMD registers.
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x87 FPU (Floating Point Unit)
Read about how floating-point numbers are represented on the low level - using the x87 floating-point-unit instruction set.
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HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
How software communicates with hardware? How can windows or other operating systems support many architectures at once? Because of HAL!
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GoldSrc engine
GoldSrc engine frame
Walkthrough of the GoldSrc engine frame, what happens, which events occur, etc.
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GoldSrc command Line Parameters
Read about the majority of command-line parameters used in the GoldSrc engine and learn why do they even exist!
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GoldSrc SVC Parsing Architecture
Read about how the GoldSrc engine handles communication between client and server, how it receives data and how it is able to do this through a carefully defined protocol.
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GoldSrc the server connection process
An in depth description of how connecting to a remote server works internally on the GoldSrc engine.
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GoldSrc interface system
Explanation on how the interface system works in the GoldSrc engine and how it enables inter-modular communication.
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IDA weird-floating point comparison techniques
See how IDA Pro decompiles floating pointer comparisons between two values in a weird way and also why.
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IDA Interperting C++ Interfaces in C
Read about how are C++ classes represented in memory and also how they can be represented in C the same way.
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GetTickCount() implementation on Windows
Read about how the GetTickCount() function exposed by the Win32 api is implemented under the hood.
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